Return policy

We offer hassle free return or replacement only if it meets the following conditions:

  • If an incorrect product was delivered to you, i.e. the product does not match the item description mentioned on the website or wrong product is delivered.
  • If the product you receive is in damaged condition.

If your purchase meets our return criteria as stated above, please email us at within 48 hours of delivery with the following information:

  • Order number
  • Unboxing Video
  • Specify the reason for the return 

Please Note:

  • We will arrange for a pick up from the same address within 4-5 working days to which the product was shipped. Please put the product in its original packaging and seal it well and send it across. Please ensure that the product is unused, not damaged and all the tags and bar codes, invoice slips are intact at the time of return.
  • Once the product reaches our warehouse, we will inspect the product and once our inspection team confirms that the product received is in acceptable condition, as dispatched from our warehouse, we will process the return request case on case basis. In case of exchange, your new order will be sent on its way 4-5 working days after we receive your returned product.
  • Under certain circumstances, if we are unable to provide you with replacement against your ordered product, then we will notify you, and thereafter will process your refund, a credit of the paid amount will reflect in the original mode of payment within 7-10 business days. In case of COD (Cash on Delivery) order, the refund will be made only in the form of credit coupon of the same value. Shipping charges (if any) paid at the time of placing the order are not refundable.
  • Given the nature of our products, we reserve the sole discretion to provide resolution as we deem fit. Every return or exchange request is treated as an individual case. We are unable to offer refunds if we’ve been given an incorrect or incomplete shipping address, or if there are three failed delivery attempts by our shipping agency or the recipient refuses the package.
  • All our products are handmade by experienced artisans, one piece at a time, making each piece unique. Due to this process, a slight variation in color tone, shape or size may occur between products which is not regarded as a defect and will not be eligible for return or replacement.
  • We reserve the right to deny a return or to charge for the return if multiple returns have been initiated from the same account or previous COD order has been cancelled at doorstep. 
  • In rare cases, it is possible that the pin code might be unserviceable by our courier partners for returns. In such cases, the reverse pickup can only be done once the pin code becomes serviceable again.